A black and white print of Johnson's Court on Christmas Night with the lights shimmered along the lane.

Johnson's Court on Christmas Night

Coming back along Grafton Street I remembered I had forgotten Johnson's Court while talking to the couple from the other picture, Johnson's Court is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Dublin. I have always loved the Christmas lights along this lane and it didn't disappoint, again it too looked so different without a soul on it, illuminating the way with a warm and welcoming glow. With no people in sight, the quiet lane shows its true character, revealing the subtle curve that I knew was there previously but hadn't really noticed.
Using a wider aperture on my Rokkor 58mm F1.4 the foreground is sharp as the background turns into the lovely Rokkor bokeh, the bokeh seems to guide you along the lane into the light.
This art print is the perfect addition to any space, offering a unique and timeless perspective of a Dublin treasure on Christmas night.

Sizes in inches

  • Print Gallery: Dublin Prints
  • Location: Dublin City
  • Edition: Open