David Costello Photographer taking pictures on a beach.

Irish Landscape Photographer

David Costello captures dramatic and iconic pictorial pieces which regularly feature in the national/international news media and are shared widely across social media platforms.
He is an Irish photographer who has earned notoriety over the years with a distinctly original approach to planning, crafting and capturing cinematic photos. “The key ingredients to a great shot are research, timing, and illumination”.

The journey to becoming a well-known landscape photographer came after many years plying his craft as a director of photography, videographer and video editor. A technical base which is evident in the meticulous approach and obsession for detail, that he applies to the images he produces.
His approach combines this deep understanding of digital tech with a keen interest in meteorology, love of astronomy and passion for using vintage equipment.

The results are evident in David’s pieces which are available to purchase in
The Gallery.